In line with the United Nations development issues for 2015-2030 which set the umbrella for development in all countries in the world, namely: “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG’s) which specifically stipulated in the field of sports the issue of “Sport for Development & Peace” (SDP). SDP has now become a strategic issue to be disseminated throughout the world and has become an attractive research field for scientists in the fields of physical education and sports. SDP emphasizes that sport is believed to have superiority and noble values to be instilled in efforts to shape human personality as God’s creatures The One and Only in one complete unity, between physical, spiritual and social and is seen as contributing to improving the quality of life of the people of a nation. The process of transferring the universal values of sports must become basic knowledge for every teacher and / or sports coach because it is one of the key factors in implementing the issue of Sport for Development and Peace and the practice of the development paradigm through sport (Development through Sport) at the micro level. This value transfer is a process in positioning sports as a vehicle for the development of positive youth (Positive Youth Development / PYD).
The 2nd International Conference of Sport for Development and Peace (The 2nd ICSDP) with the theme “Indonesia’s national and Global Issues on Sport for Development & Peace” invite all academics, researchers, and practitioners to share their experiences, ideas, views, visions, and missions related to this topic from various scientific perspectives and expertise.

Brief CV Keynote Speaker
![]() | Ok, Gwang, Ph.D. Vice-Dean, Faculty of Education, Chungbuk National University Professor, Department of Physical Education, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea E-mail: sh795rub@hanmail.net Research expertise: Olympic studies |
![]() | Richard Bailey recently joined the University of Nottingham Malaysia, after working in Berlin, Germany as head of research for the global sport science and education agency. He is an expert advisor for UNESCO, OECD, and Nike. His areas of specialism include the learning sciences, human development, mental health, and sport pedagogy. |
![]() | Dr Iain Lindsey Ph.D., MA (Distinction), BA (hons), FHEA Email: iain.lindsey@durham.ac.uk Dr Iain Lindsey’s expertise and interests lie in sport policy and development, especially in youth sport and the use of sport for development purposes in Africa. I am currently a Lecturer in Sport in the School of Applied Social Sciences, Durham University. |
![]() | Prof. Toho Holik Mutahir, M.Pd. He is Lecture and also professor in Universitas Negeri Surabaya. He is a Team Leader for the 2020 SDI Review to review SDI and develop alternative SDI; and apply the new SDI as a tool to measure output and outcome-based sports development he is also a former of : Rector of UNESA 1997 – 2002 Director General of Sport Minsitry of National Education – 29 Maret 2001 – 2004 Secretary Minsister of Youth and Sport of R.I. i Juli 2004 – Desember 2007 his Membership of Professional Societies in Executive Board Member Asia-Pacific Association of Sport Studies (APASS) |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Amung Ma’mun, M.Pd. He is Lecture in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, and also Head of Sport Education Study Program, his expertise is in the field of sports policy and development. |